Icing Simple and Effective No Spin Tutorial THROWING Knives & Tomahawks vs. HOW I NEARLY DIED?! (REAL STORIES + Q&A) SUPER HUMAN SKILLS (World's Fastest Knife Worker) God Level 2018 Gun Myths: AK vs. Top 5 Bayonets Russian Throwing Knives (Which One is Better?) Test Incredibly powerful bullet making machine. Thank you everyone for support! Видео AK-47 Bayonet (Big Knife Throwing Test) канала Adam Celadin Although adequate, the dual muzzle-ring arrangement made the AK47 bayonet awkward, at best, for any other use.ĭont forget share,like,comment or subscribe if you new to my channel! Both the AK47 bayonet and scabbard were patterned after Russia's first knife bayonet, the M1940 bayonet used with the 7.62 mm. The AK47 bayonet hilt borrows heavily from the Swedish M1914 bayonet, another example where the bayonet was added as an afterthought. Having a change of mind, rather than add a bayonet lug, the Russians opted for a bayonet that did not require one. The AK47 was Russia's entry in this debate, being designed without the intent that it mount a bayonet. Without a single exception, every one was redesigned to accept a bayonet or or replaced with a rifle that did within a few years of its introduction. In the decade following the outbreak of the Second World War, most of the major powers produced an infantry rifle without the ability to mount a bayonet. The AK47 assault rifle was introduced during a period in history when the bayonet's future was in debate.